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New Year’s Jimmy Fund Event to be Hosted by Medford Family
Inside Medford - December 26, 2014
The Mike Patterson Foundation will be hosting its first annual New Years Eve Ball to raise the critical funds needed for breast cancer research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and The Jimmy Fund.
Timmy Patterson, who has organized multiple events to benefit the Jimmy Fund, said the goal is to raise $10,000. Patterson said when a friend was recently diagnosed with breast cancer he, along with others, starting collecting donations for breast cancer research through the Jimmy Fund.
A limited amount of tickets for the event will....

Jimmy Fund Golf thanks Mike Patterson Invitational
Written by The Jimmy Fund - Wakefield Patch - July 3, 2014
To the Editor:
Jimmy Fund Golf extends its sincerest thanks to the organizers and sponsors of the Mike Patterson Invitational held on June 13, 2014 at Thomson Country Club in North Reading. Special recognition and appreciation goes to Timothy Patterson of Wakefield and the committee who organized the second annual event.
The dedicated sponsors, participants, and volunteers helped raise critical funds to support Breast Cancer Research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
The Mike Patterson Invitational is one of ...

A Father’s Day golf tournament for Jimmy Fund
Kathy McCabe - Boston Globe - June 13, 2013
Colon cancer killed Tim Patterson’s father, Mike, 15 years ago. Four months later, his 16-year-old sister, Lynne, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Rick Giovino, 23, has had three surgeries for testicular cancer since March 2011, when he was a junior at Assumption College in Worcester and a member of the golf team.
Patterson and Giovino, both Medford natives, on Friday will cohost a pre-Father’s Day charity golf tournament for the Jimmy Fund at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, where Lynne Patterson, now 31 and an oncology nurse at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, was treated, and where doctors are monitoring Giovino...

A hole in one to fight cancer
Sarah Thomas - Wicked Local - May 23, 2013
When you lose your father to cancer at the age of 10, there’s a lot of memories you don’t have. Your father isn’t at your prom, your graduation. You hold on tightly to the memories you do have.
For Salem resident Tim Patterson, those memories are of golf.
“As a family when I was little, my dad would always take us miniature golfing,” said Patterson. “He liked 18 -hole golfing as well. He didn’t get a chance to go very often, but when he could, he would. That’s one of the things I remember about him.”.....